
Help us to plan and develop our activities with confidence, and target those most in need

We are inviting all of our supporters to make this year a special year for fly2help by signing up to donate just £2 per month. Your donation will make a real difference to fly2help, by helping us to plan and develop our activities with confidence and target those most in need of our help and support. Together we can change the lives of families struggling through loss, isolation, bereavement and illness and we can inspire young people to look forward to their future with enthusiasm. We bring the magic of aviation into people’s lives and leave them with lasting memories and hope and inspiration for the future.

Donate with JustGiving

From just £2/month

Donate with PayPal

One-off or recurring amounts

Donate via text

Through our partner Donr

To 70085, text:

FLY2HELP05 to donate £5
FLY2HELP10 to donate £10
FLY2HELP20 to donate £20

All text donations will include your standard messaging cost.


Through your event with JustGiving