
Some of the children and adults who benefit from fly2help’s charitable programmes will be physically or mentally vulnerable in some way. Although we work directly with them, our staff and volunteers are never in a position of direct responsibility for our beneficiaries. This role is always taken by the beneficiaries’ parents, guardians, carers or teachers, who are responsible for protecting them from harm or abuse.

However, all charities that work with children and vulnerable adults are expected to ensure their welfare, by following a code of behaviour and by looking out for signs of abuse. Effective training and support for staff and volunteers, together with clear operating practices, will contribute to increased good practice in this field.

This policy and code of behaviour sets out the commitment fly2help makes to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. We expected all staff, volunteers and contractors to abide by it. It is imperative that all staff, volunteers and contractors:

  • read and sign this Policy and Code of Behaviour so that they feel confident around beneficiaries.
  • know what to do if they suspect a beneficiary is at risk of harm.

Policy statement and definitions

All children and vulnerable adults, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.

fly2help believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or vulnerable adult to experience abuse of any kind and we recognise our responsibility to protect the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults with whom we work.

We will seek to safeguard children and vulnerable adults by:

  • valuing, listening to and respecting them.
  • adopting a code of behaviour that guides our actions.
  • helping staff and volunteers to recognise the signs of abuse.
  • ensuring all necessary checks are made with recruiting staff and volunteers.
  • sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know.
  • providing effective management through supervision, support and training.


  • Abuse is harm caused to any child/vulnerable adult by physical injury, sexual abuse, neglect or emotional damage.
  • A child is any person under the age of 18.
  • A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who is, or may be in need, of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.

Code of Behaviour for fly2help’s staff, volunteers and contractors

  • DO keep to this code always.
  • DO treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  • DO ensure a suitable ratio of qualified fly2help staff or volunteers to beneficiaries.
  • DO provide employment or background checks when starting out with fly2help.
  • DO respect the beneficiary’s right to be involved in making choices which directly affect them.
  • DO ensure that you are never alone with a beneficiary.
  • DO respect children and vulnerable adults’ rights to personal privacy.
  • DO tell others where you are and what you are doing if you are not with the group.
  • DO take concerns of abuse seriously and speak with your Team Leader about them immediately.
  • DO listen to any ideas and views a beneficiary wants to share with you.
  • DO respond sensitively to any beneficiary who seems anxious about participating in certain activities.
  • DO listen to a child who tells you that they are being harmed and report this immediately to a member of the fly2help staff.
  • DO seek support from a fly2help staff member or call the Charity Manager on 07791 709759.
  • DO NOT form an ongoing relationship with a child or vulnerable adult who you met through fly2help.
  • DO NOT drink alcohol when you are on a fly2help charitable programme.
  • DO NOT take photographs during the fly2help charitable programmes, unless you are the authorised photographer. Photographers must follow the photographer’s brief.
  • DO NOT use language, make suggestions or offer advice which is inappropriate, offensive or abusive.
  • DO NOT behave physically in a manner which is inappropriate, offensive or sexually provocative.
  • DO NOT do things for children or vulnerable adults of a personal nature that they could do for themselves, or that their guardian can do for them.
  • DO NOT discriminate or show different treatment to any beneficiary.
  • DO NOT dismiss what a child tells you as lies or exaggeration.
  • DO NOT restrain a beneficiary unless they are at imminent risk of harming themselves or others, or are at risk of damaging property, particularly when airside.
  • DO NOT speak with beneficiaries, carers or volunteers about the beneficiary’s personal circumstances.
  • DO NOT share information about why a day has been postponed or cancelled when due to a change in the client circumstance.
  • DO NOT lift beneficiaries. If lifting is required, trained staff such as the fire crew must be used.
  • DO NOT instigate personal contact with beneficiaries, such as hugs. Should a beneficiary instigate such contact, it is up to your own discretion and comfort to reciprocate. Should the contact be questioned as inappropriate, withdraw immediately but delicately.
  • DO NOT communicate concerns about event logistics to the beneficiaries unless necessary.
  • DO NOT let beneficiaries know if you become upset about their personal situation. Seek support from fly2help staff. It is not your role to decide that abuse has taken place. Your responsibility is to report any concerns you may have to your Team Leader so that a fly2help staff member can report it to the appropriate agencies for investigation if possible.